Darn Tough Socks

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Over 30 years ago our family opened a mill and began making socks in Northfield, Vermont.
Frigid winters and humid summers taught us that all socks are not created equally. Living in the most unforgiving climate in the lower 48, our socks had to be tough and of course they certainly had to keep our feet dry and warm. Whether skiing, hiking, biking, climbing or running, our Darn Tough Vermont socks kept our feet oblivious to the elements.
Our team spent over a year testing yarn combinations and designs, confident that during this process we could create something unique; a sock that we could guarantee for life. And as a 3rd generation sock guy, I can tell you that what has kept my family in the sock business, in America, is the pursuit of quality.
To date, DARN TOUGH VERMONT, is the culmination of those efforts.
It's a brand uniquely created around a single, fine gauge needle, which means all our socks, from our Mesh running sock, to our over-the-calf Full Cushion ski sock is crafted with the same high quality raw material and high density knitting techniques that make our product unique. Its custom counts of Merino wool and an exclusive blend of Coolmax® which makes our socks incredibly strong and comfortable. And it’s all about the knitting. Three generations of knitting know-how means, well, we know how.